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Growing up in the Swedish countryside, Evelyn Del Carmen early on found an escape from the mundane everyday in the world of film. Inspired by the cinematic aesthetics, she picked up her first camera at a young age and began capturing the people and places around her.


Since then, Evelyn has studied Photography and moving image at Kulturama and Fotoskolan STHLM and most recently Fullstack Web Development at Technigo.


She additionally has a background in project management, something that has proved useful when directing photo shoots and music videos. No stranger to fast-paced environments, Evelyn is known for her hearty laughter, keen eye for detail and her “let’s do this”-attitude.

Clients & expertise :


Having specialised in e-com, portraits and product photography – her client list includes Filippa K, & Other Stories, Weekday, H&M, Skanska, Sonic Magazine, Soundtelling and more.

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